
I have decided to put up lit bits about each member of the fellowship. to start with the most important frodo baggins his father drogo baggins and his mothers only child when he was young his parents died when there boat capasized and they drowned. he then went to live with his uncle bilbo baggins. His uncle lived in Bag End (Frodos grandfather made it for his grandmother) by himself. Bilbo looked after Frodo and told him about his adventures. Frodo loved to go of on his own little adventures in the shire. when Bilbo leaves on his birthday he gives a ring to Frodo. gandalf tells Frodo to destroy the ring. Frodo Sam Merry and Pippin meetup with Aragorn in bree he goes with them to rivendell. Frodo volanters to take the ring to mordor to be destroyed. he goes with the fellowship of the ring. They get split up at amon hen when they are attacked Frodo and Sam alone go to mordor. They are guide by gollum. Frodo gets captured by orcs and tortured and Sam rescues him then they crawl up Mt. Doom where gollum attacks them and Frodo get his finger bitten of the gollum and the ring fallto their doom in Mt. Doom (get it). Frodo then goes to hobbiton . He feels different from when he left and goes to the gray haven to leave middle earth.

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